Thursday, December 15, 2011

How to Start off Your Own Commercial Cleaning Business enterprise

In this new world of eco-consciousness, concern of global warming, home business and entrepreneurship, a gourmet treasury of backyard mini-farm opportunities are being born. The Center for the Micro Eco-Farming Movement, there are reports of angora rabbits being raised in apartments, organic herb gardens in backyards selling herbal crafts over the internet, miniature sheep, miniature dairy cows, organic flower farms on small acreage, heirloom vegetable farms on small acreage, garlic farms on small acreage, flower seed farms from backyards, and the list goes on.

While most of these home businesses are farms from backyards to small acreages, some of these very small farms are within bigger farms. One operates a full time business from two acres, but lives on a 130 acre farm.

Start a Mini Farm Business in Your Backyard Or Small Acreage

One of the popular business trends now is starting up your own Commercial Cleaning Business.

You can start a cleaning business independently or you can franchise a cleaning business, which already has a proven track record of success.

If you start your business independently, the upside is that your profits are yours alone. You'll have a business model that is proven to work. You can choose from the following: maid services, janitorial services, or carpet and upholstery cleaning services.

There are just a few costs involved in - advertising costs, cleaning materials costs, and business setup costs. You can ask trusted friends to invest in your business. As with all businesses requiring investment - make sure you present a very convincing business proposal.

The bottom line is that businesses need cleaning, and all businesses are listed either in the Yellow Pages or in online business directories like YelloBook, YellowPages, WhitePages, Google Local Business Directory, and Yahoo! and MSN local business directories. A business license will cost you around $50 a year. Don't try and skip this step - or you may find your business battling if the tax office queries your books.

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