Friday, November 18, 2011

Giving the Gift of Your Name (The Networking Factor)

Giving the Gift of Your Name (The Networking Factor)

Despite the fact that, this is about giving the gift of your name to others, it surely runs a close second in importance to "Whats' in a name?"

What is giving the gift of your name? Giving the gift of your name is when you see an individual you haven't seen in a when and you are kind enough to give (remind) him or her your name (the gift) once again with no any hesitation.

It's not good to maintain an individual guessing about your name. Don't assume they will bear in mind your name and don't make it a guessing game. It is a challenge that most many people would rather not knowledge.

Okay, I'll confess my expertise, reluctantly I could possibly add. There is a lady by the name of Barbara Fouch and I just adore her. I know that she knows that I adore her and I believed I was extending a compliment when I asked Barbara, "Do you remember who I am?" My thinking was, Barbara, I am the young lady who basically adores you would ring in her mind as the answer to my question.

Barbara rapidly pulled me to side at a museum reception and said, "don't ever say that, it gives your energy away." Of course, I in no way said it once more. It was critical for me to remind Barbara just how unique she was to me but, I went about it the incorrect way.

A rather simple, "Hi Barbara, I am Janice Smallwood-McKenzie, it's so nice to see you again would have worker perfectly!" That way I would be giving Barbara the gift of my name, and she has an chance to let me know if she remembers my name, and I am not putting her on the spot.

Perhaps, it takes 3-five occasions for some persons to don't forget your name with small effort, but just know that "Delmonte" was not built in a day, and truly as you continue to give your name over and over to the exact same person... it's simply good marketing!

I don't know why I prefer Delmonte more than a more affordable generic brand... I guess following hearing it so significantly, I just pick it up by default! Smile... choose your brand of option, but you get the point!

The personal touch makes the distinction.

By the way, "Everyone is very important" is the Networking Factor!

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